Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blogs are for deep dark secrets, and maybe also cat pictures - An Introduction

I've decided to start a blog. I can't explain it, but everyone else has started a blog, so why shouldn't I?

(While the above is a rhetorical question,  it should be answered by the end of this post anyway.)

I (well not I, exactly)... but someone surely spent $200,000 to teach me how to string words together in a way that doesn't sound completely absurd.

Someone could have spent at least $5 to do the same for ingenude Lela Star.
The best way I can think to put that hard earned money to work is by vomiting my largely offensive thoughts onto a webpage.

You are welcome.

This desire, plus my love of puns and my ill-chosen profession has resulted in the name of my blog. I hope that it shall confuse a great many LGBT activists and biological science enthusiasts alike.

There "scientists." Enjoy your missing link, nerds.
There, making everyone happy. 
Onto the main point though: deep dark secrets. When it comes to things going on in my life, I pretty much have a verbal filter equivalent to whatever's been keeping Sasha Grey's nethers intact.
Deep Dark Secret #1: I picture Sasha Grey's nethers to now look like the tattered wings of a demon skeleton.

*Sidenote, I promise to try not to mention another ingenude for the rest of this whole blog post -- my sincerest apologies, Mormon Grandma. There's no such thing as Sasha Grey. Or her threadbare, demon winged nethers. 

Right, so I believe what I meant to say was that I don't have a sufficient filter. I pretty much just tell everyone whatever I'm thinking about, because I fear that if I don't it will make me go insane.

For this reason, and my personal war against taboos... I am going to lay everything out in this blog.

Tomorrow I will begin my quest of Deep Dark Secrets, and it shall be named Homo ewritus.

In an effort to regularly release my brain monsters...

Or as my father likes to say, "write."

 I'm going to update this blog at least every Tuesday. I will now call them "Taboo Tuesdays."

Because hey, alliteration.


I might also post cat pictures sometimes though.

Alright, time for bed, tomorrow begins my blogging voyage. 

With Mild Affection,
